University Ranking Africa
Database of African Top Universities and observations of their rankings, type of courses, application process, part of international students and website funtions.
A tibble with 141 rows and 26 variables:
- university
Name of the University
- country
Country where the University is located
- city
City where the University is located
- ror_entry_correct
Is the entry on the corresponding to the University correct? In most "n"-cases, the stated website is incorrect
- url
Official website of the University
- website_secure
Does the website use https? Is there no security related pop-up upon opening the website?
- website_up_to_date
Are news articles on the website up to date OR is the copyright date of the website the current year?
- website_function
Good: navigating through the website is smooth, no OR very few dead or redundant links. Medium: some dead links within the webpage, some placeholders ("lorem ipsum") still visible, some blank or empty pages. Poor: Navigating through the website is very difficult. Defunct: the official link of the university's website is no longer hosted, or is otherwise inaccessible. Note: Does NOT indicate how much information can be found on the website.
- website_language
Default language of the landing site
- colonial_power
The colonial Power from which the country gained independence, if it ever was colonized or became independent.
- rank_africa
The rank of the University in Africa, according to
- rank_world
The rank of the University in the World, according to
- impact_rank
The impact rank of the University, according to
- openness_rank
The openness rank of the University, according to
- excellence_rank
The excellence rank of the University, according to
- academic_system
Which academic system is used at the University: American (Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctorate) or French (LMD: Licence, Master, Doctorat)
- engineering_courses
The number of different undergraduate engineering courses the University offers.
- years_of_study
Stated duration of an undergraduate engineering degree. If the University doesn't offer engineering degrees, the duration of another undergraduate degree is indicated.
- online_application
Is there a possibility to apply for the University online? If no explicit method is stated to send the application online, it's considered as "no"
- international_students
Does the University give special information to interested foreign students on how to enter?
- yearly_fee
Required yearly tuition fee for a local student to complete a year of an undergraduate engineering degree at the University. If the University doesn't offer engineering degrees, the general tuition fee is indicated
- masters_programme
Does the University offer Master's programmes? (NOT only engineering)
- online_payment
Is there a possibility to pay University fees online? (either banking information, instructions or a direct link)
- number_of_students
If stated on the website, the number of students studying at the University
- access_date
Date the University website was accessed
- remarks
Personal notes on the University