- Accountability
- Accuracy
- Administrative area
- Age groupings
- Age-specific mortality rate
- Birth registration data
- Care cascade
- Catchment area
- Causes of death
- Chi-square (χ2) test
- Civil registration and vital statistics
- Completeness of reporting
- Compliance
- Composite indicator
- Confidentiality
- Confounding
- Construct validity
- Content validity
- Convergent validity
- Core indicator
- Correlation analysis
- Count
- Covariates
- Credibility
- Criterion validity
- Data access control
- Data accessibility
- Data anonymization
- Data collection level
- Data collection method
- Data consent
- Data custodian
- Data element
- Data governance
- Data harmonization
- Data information pyramid
- Data inputs
- Data integration
- Data integrity
- Data life cycle
- Data privacy
- Data provider
- Data quality assurance
- Data quality assessment
- Data quality
- Data security
- Data source
- Data standards
- Data steward
- Data stewardship
- Data triangulation
- Data type
- Data
- Death registration data
- Death registration desk
- Delineated geographical areas within
- Denominator
- Descriptive cross-sectional
- Descriptive analysis
- Digital health
- Disability adjusted life years (DALYs)
- Disaggregation
- Disease surveillance system
- Domain
- Ecological analysis
- Ecological fallacy
- Effect size
- Effective coverage
- Estimation method
- Evaluation
- Event-based surveillance
- External consistency of data
- External responsiveness
- Feasibility
- Focal point
- Gender
- Geo-enablement
- Geocoding
- Geographic accessibility
- Geographic information systems
- Geospatial analysis
- Geospatial data
- Global health estimates
- Global Health Observatory
- Gold standard
- Government agency or institution
- Granularity
- Health and demographic surveillance system
- Health data
- Health estimates
- Health facility census
- Health facility survey
- Health impact assessment
- Health indicator
- Health inequality
- Health inequity
- Health information system
- Health management information system
- Health survey
- Healthy life expectancy at birth
- Heaping of data
- Home-based record
- Impact indicator
- Imputation
- Incidence rate
- Indicator classification
- Indicator definition
- Indicator-based surveillance commonly
- Indicator-based surveillance
- Individual health record
- Input indicator
- Interaction
- Internal consistency of data
- Internal responsiveness
- International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
- International Health Regulations
- Interoperability
- Intervention coverage
- Joint external evaluation
- Kappa statistic (K)
- Linkage
- Logic model
- Master facility list
- Mean
- Measure
- Measurement method
- Measurement level
- Measurement
- Median
- Medical certification of cause of death
- Metadata
- Method of aggregate estimation
- Microdata
- Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework
- Monitoring
- Morbidity data
- Mortality coder
- Mortality data
- National health strategic plan
- National statistics office
- Nationally representative
- Negative predictive value
- Notifiable conditions
- Null hypothesis
- Numerator
- Odds ratio
- Outcome indicator
- Outcome-adjusted coverage
- Output indicator
- P value
- Percentage
- Periodicity
- Population attributable fraction
- Population-based survey
- Population census
- Positive predictive value
- Predictive validity
- Preferred data sources
- Prevalence rate
- Primary data
- Process indicator
- Process of validation
- Processed health data
- Proportion
- Proxy health indicator
- Public health surveillance system
- Publicly available
- Punctuality
- Quality-adjusted coverage
- Rate
- Ratio
- Rationale
- Raw health data
- Record linkage
- Register
- Registrar
- Registration form
- Registry
- Regression
- Relevance
- Reliability of data
- Representativeness
- Response rate
- Responsiveness
- Results framework
- Routine data
- Routine health information system
- Sample size
- Sample
- Sampling error
- Secondary data
- Sensitivity analysis
- Sex
- Stakeholder
- Standard operating procedures
- Statistical model
- Statistical significance
- Statistics
- Stratification
- Subnational
- Surveillance
- Survey data
- Survey
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Target population
- Timeliness
- Tracer indicator
- Transparency
- Trend
- Uncertainty measure
- Unit of measure
- Usefulness or Utility
- Understandable or simplicty
- Validity
- Verbal autopsy
- Vital event
- Vital statistics
- Weighting
- Years lived with disability
- Years of life lost