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tbl_emptying_demand_global <- fsmglobal |> 
  group_by(emptying_method) |> 
    sum_population_emptying_method = sum(population_emptying_method)
  ) |> 
    percent = sum_population_emptying_method / 
      sum(sum_population_emptying_method) * 100
tbl_emptying_demand_global |> 
  janitor::adorn_totals() |>
  # use gt R package to prepare a table
  gt(rowname_col = "emptying_method") |>
  tab_header(title = md("**Demand for faecal sludge emptying services**"), 
             subtitle = "summarised for 175 countries") |> 
  fmt_number(columns = "sum_population_emptying_method", decimals = 0) |> 
  fmt_percent(columns = "percent", decimals = 0, scale_values = FALSE) |> 
  cols_label(sum_population_emptying_method = "population") 
Demand for faecal sludge emptying services
summarised for 175 countries
population percent
mechanized 1,030,317,694 25%
no facility 661,998,822 16%
non-mechanized 1,784,240,549 43%
unemptiable 681,220,088 16%
Total 4,157,777,154 100%