The goal of undpcomposite is to provide tidy data from the UNDP composite data timeseries
You can install the development version of undpcomposite from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
## Run the following code in console if you don't have the packages
## install.packages(c("dplyr", "knitr", "readr", "stringr", "gt", "kableExtra"))
Alternatively, you can download the individual datasets as a CSV or XLSX file from the table below.
- Click Download CSV. A window opens that displays the CSV in your browser.
- Right-click anywhere inside the window and select “Save Page As…”.
- Save the file in a folder of your choice.
dataset | CSV | XLSX |
undpcomposite | Download CSV | Download XLSX |
The package provides access to …
The dataset undpcomposite
contains data about UNDP indicators over time. It has 6798 observations and 45 variables
undpcomposite |>
head(3) |>
gt::gt() |>
iso3 | country | hdicode | region | hdi_rank_2022 | year | hdi | le | eys | mys | gnipc | gdi_group | gdi | hdi_f | le_f | eys_f | mys_f | gni_pc_f | hdi_m | le_m | eys_m | mys_m | gni_pc_m | ihdi | coef_ineq | loss | ineq_le | ineq_edu | ineq_inc | gii_rank | gii | mmr | abr | se_f | se_m | pr_f | pr_m | lfpr_f | lfpr_m | rankdiff_hdi_phdi | phdi | diff_hdi_phdi | co2_prod | mf | pop_total |
For an overview of the variable names, see the following table.
variable_name | variable_type | description |
iso3 | character | ISO3 country code |
country | character | Country name |
hdicode | character | Human Development Group |
region | character | UNDP Developin Regions |
hdi_rank_2022 | numeric | HDI Rank in 2022 |
year | character | Year of value |
hdi | numeric | Human Development Index |
le | numeric | Life Expectancy at Birth (years) |
eys | numeric | Expected Years of Schooling (years) |
mys | numeric | Mean Years of Schooling (years) |
gnipc | numeric | Gross National Income Per Capita (2017 PPP USD) |
gdi_group | numeric | GDI Group |
gdi | numeric | Gender Development Index (value) |
hdi_f | numeric | HDI female |
le_f | numeric | Life Expectancy at Birth, female (years) |
eys_f | numeric | Expected Years of Schooling, female (years) |
mys_f | numeric | Mean Years of Schooling, female (years) |
gni_pc_f | numeric | Gross National Income Per Capita, female (2017 PPP USD) |
hdi_m | numeric | HDI male |
le_m | numeric | Life Expectancy at Birth, male (years) |
eys_m | numeric | Expected Years of Schooling, male (years) |
mys_m | numeric | Mean Years of Schooling, male (years) |
gni_pc_m | numeric | Gross National Income Per Capita, male (2017 PPP USD) |
ihdi | numeric | Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (value) |
coef_ineq | numeric | Coefficient of human inequality |
loss | numeric | Overall loss (%) |
ineq_le | numeric | Inequality in life expectancy |
ineq_edu | numeric | Inequality in eduation |
ineq_inc | numeric | Inequality in income |
gii_rank | numeric | GII Rank |
gii | numeric | Gender Inequality Index (value) |
mmr | numeric | Maternal Mortality Ratio (deaths per 100,000 live births) |
abr | numeric | Adolescent Birth Rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) |
se_f | numeric | Population with at least some secondary education, female (% ages 25 and older) |
se_m | numeric | Population with at least some secondary education, male (% ages 25 and older) |
pr_f | numeric | Share of seats in parliament, female (% held by women) |
pr_m | numeric | Share of seats in parliament, male (% held by men) |
lfpr_f | numeric | Labour force participation rate, female (% ages 15 and older) |
lfpr_m | numeric | Labour force participation rate, male (% ages 15 and older) |
rankdiff_hdi_phdi | numeric | Difference from HDI rank |
phdi | numeric | Planetary pressuresadjusted Human Development Index (value) |
diff_hdi_phdi | numeric | Difference from HDI value (%) |
co2_prod | numeric | Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) (tonnes) |
mf | numeric | Material footprint per capita (tonnes) |
pop_total | numeric | Population, total (millions) |
Less developed countries exhibit higher adolescent birth rates than more developed countries
# Ensure UTF-8 encoding for character columns
undpcomposite <- undpcomposite |>
mutate(across(where(is.character), ~ iconv(.,"UTF-8","UTF-8",sub="")))
# Handle missing values in `abr`
undpcomposite_clean <- undpcomposite |>
filter(country %in% c("United States", "Germany", "Niger", "Mali")) |>
year = as.numeric(year), # Convert year to numeric
abr = ifelse(, 0, abr) # Replace NA values in abr
# Find min and max year
year_range <- range(undpcomposite_clean$year, na.rm = TRUE)
# Create the plot with decade-based x-axis
ggplot(undpcomposite_clean, aes(x = year, y = abr, color = country, group = country)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(floor(year_range[1] / 10) * 10, ceiling(year_range[2] / 10) * 10, by = 10)) +
title = "Adolescent Birth Rate in Two High Income and Two Low Income Countries",
x = "Year",
y = "Adolescent Birth Rate (births per 1,000 women aged 15-29)"
) +
Data are available as CC-BY.
Please cite this package using:
#> To cite package 'undpcomposite' in publications use:
#> Dubey Y (2025). "undpcomposite: UNDP Composite Indicators
#> Timeseries." doi:10.5281/zenodo.14845848
#> <>,
#> <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Misc{dubey:2025,
#> title = {undpcomposite: UNDP Composite Indicators Timeseries},
#> author = {Yash Dubey},
#> year = {2025},
#> doi = {10.5281/zenodo.14845848},
#> url = {},
#> abstract = {Provides tidy data about all UNDP indicators in a composite timeseries.},
#> version = {0.1.0},
#> }