portawaterperu: A Preliminary Review of Peruvian Potable Water System Data
Data for this project was obtained from @SIASAR, an information system containing data on rural water supply and sanitation services. Using SIASAR's "download data by country" tool, all available data for Peru (10 excel files) were downloaded. After examining the 10 excel files, only 5 pertained to potable water systems. Those 5 data sets were imported into R and subsequently empty values and unnecessary columns were deleted from them. Finally, the 5 data sets were combined into 1 data frame based on community ID. The combined, cleaned data set contains data from 32 communities.
A tibble with 32 rows and 51 variables
- name
Name of the community water system
- ID
ID of the water system
- div
Geographical division of the community
- lat
Latitude of the community
- long
Longitude of the community
- alt
Altitude of the community
- year
Year of data collection about communities. (Use in caution)
- community
Community name
- service_provider
Service provider (PSE stands for Prestador de servicio)
- pop_serviced
Population served
- hh_serviced
Household served
- type_gravity
Is the community served by a gravity water supply system?
- type_pump
Is the community served by a pumped water supply system?
- type_well
Is the community served by a well/hand pump water supply system?
- type_rain
Is the community served by a rainwater harvesting water supply system?
- water_dry_season
Are there adequate water resources (at the source) to meet demand in dry season?
- water_rain_season
Are there adequate water resources (at the source) to meet demand in rainy season?
- source_id
ID of the water source
- source_type
Type of the water source, options including (1) lake, (2) river, (3) dug well, and (4) drilled well.
- source_lat
Latitude of the water source
- source_long
Longitude of the water source
- source_alt
Altitude of the water source
- catch_macromeasure
Macro measurement of catchment
- catch_status
Status of the catchment, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- maintenance_date
Date of the maintainance data collection
- catch_abcd
Status of catchment at maintainance, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- cond_abcd
Status of condition at maintainance, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- treat_type
Type of treatment, options including (1) desinfection with chlorine and (2) slow filtration.
- treat_abcd
Status of treatment at maintainance, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- storage_abcd
Status of the storage system at maintainance, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- dist_abcd
Status of the distribution network at maintainance, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- flow
Flow rate, check unit with column
- flow_unit
Unit of flow rate
- chlorine_res
Chlorine residual
- chlorine_res_unit
Unit of chlorine residual
- treatment_ID
ID of the treatment
- treatment_type
Type of the treatment
- treatment_function
Is treatment functional?
- treatment_lat
Latitude of the water treatment
- treatment_long
Longitude of the water treatment
- treatment_alt
Altitude of the water treatment
- storage_ID
ID of the water storage infrastructure.
- storage_clean_unit
Unit of cleaning frequency of the storage system
- storage_lat
Latitude of the water storage infrastructure.
- storage_long
Longitude of the water storage infrastructure.
- storage_alt
Altitude of the water storage infrastructure.
- storage_status
Status of the water storage infrastructure, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.
- dist_ID
ID of the distribution system
- dist_hour
Hours of service per day
- dist_connection
Number of distribution network connections
- dist_status
Status of the distribution system, options including (1) A: good, (2) B: fair, (3) C: poor, and (4) D: Inoperable.