Data from the postsurvey responses of the course participants in DS4OWD
A tibble with 25 rows and 18 variables
- course_completion
Whether the course was completed by the respondent or not
- rating_overall
Overall course rating
- expectations
Expectations from the course
- learning_objectives
Whether learning objectives were met
- rating_structure
Rating for the structure of the course
- rating_ins_knowledge
Rating for the instructor's knowledge of the course material
- rating_ins_clarity
Rating for the instructor's clarity
- rating_ins_comp
Rating for the instructor's competency
- rating_ins_app
Rating for approachability of the instructor
- feedback
Feedback for the course
- rating_self_r_comp
Self rating for R competency
- rating_self_vc_comp
Self rating for version control competency
- conf_skill_app
Confidence in applying skills learned during the course
- most_liked
Most liked aspects of the course
- least_liked
Least liked aspects of the course
- suggestion
Suggestions for the course
- other_comments
Any other comments
- reason_non_participation
If course was not completed