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This packages compiles insights from a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Survey conducted by BASEflow for Waste Advisers in Malawi, focusing on Community Health Centers (CHCs).


You can install the development version of chckapmalawi from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Alternatively, you can download the individual dataset as a CSV or XLSX file from the table below.

dataset CSV XLSX
chckapmalawi Download CSV Download XLSX

Project goal


The data set covers diverse aspects including household demographics, CHC membership, water sources, sanitation, nutrition knowledge, hygiene practices, and environmental conditions. It was collected in 20XX.

The package provides access to a single data sets.


The chckapmalawi data set has 145 variables and 500 observations. For an overview of the variable names, see the following table.

variable_name variable_type description
village character Name of the village
gender character Gender of the respondent
head_household character Are you the head of the household?
age integer Respondent’s age
education character Highest level of education attained
household_size integer Number of individuals living in this house
adults_in_household integer Number of adults (18+ years) in the household
children_in_household integer Number of children (< 18 years) in the household
under_five_child character Presence of children under five years old in the household
chc_membership character Membership in a Community Health Club (CHC)
chc_name character Name of the Community Health Club (CHC)
chc_position character Position held in the CHC
number_adult_female_chc integer Number of adult female household members in a CHC
time_female_chc integer Longest duration a female household member has been in a CHC (in years)
number_adult_male_chc integer Number of adult male household members in a CHC
time_male_chc integer Longest duration a male household member has been in a CHC (in years)
not_member_chc character Reasons for not being a member of the CHC
awareness_chc character Awareness of the presence of a Community Health Club in the village
chc_knowledge_source character Source of information about the CHC
chc_meeting_activities character Understanding of activities conducted during CHC meetings
know_chc_households character Personal familiarity with households involved in the CHC
chc_notice_changes character Observation of any changes or new developments around CHC households in the past year
chc_changes character What changes or new things have you observed around the premises of CHC members that were not there in the past year?
adopted_chc_changes character Have you implemented or adopted any of the new changes, things, or behaviors you observed at CHC households?
chc_shared_info character Have any CHC households shared any WASH or Nutrition information with you in the past year?
chc_info character What specific information did they share with you?
reason_leave_chc character What was the reason for leaving the CHC?
any_wash_nutrition_learning character In the past year, have you learned anything new regarding WASH and Nutrition that you did not know or practice before?
wash_nutrition_learning character What specific knowledge have you gained?
learn_impact character How has this new knowledge positively impacted your life?
share_chc_knowledge character Have you shared any learnings from the CHC with your friends and/or neighbors?
water_collect_different_places character Do you collect water from various locations during both the rainy and dry seasons?
main_drinking_water_src_dry character What is your PRIMARY drinking water source during the DRY season?
distance_water_dry integer How far do you have to walk to access water during the dry season? (in meters)
time_water_collection_dry integer What is the total time (including waiting in line) for a round trip to collect water during the dry season? (in minutes)
water_quality_dry character How clean is the water you consume during the dry season?
main_other_water_src_dry character What is the main water source used by members of your household for purposes other than drinking during the dry season (e.g., cooking, handwashing)?
main_drinking_water_src_rainy character What is your PRIMARY drinking water source during the RAINY season?
distance_water_rainy integer How far do you have to walk to access water during the rainy season? (in meters)
time_water_collection_rainy integer What is the total time (including waiting in line) for a round trip to collect water during the rainy season? (in minutes)
water_quality_rainy character How clean is the water you consume during the rainy season?
main_other_water_src_rainy character What is the main water source used by members of your household for purposes other than drinking during the rainy season (e.g., cooking, handwashing)?
water_src_fresh character Does your water source provide fresh water?
water_src_committee character Is there a water point committee associated with your water source?
satisfaction_committee character Are you satisfied with how the committee manages the water point?
reason_not_satisfied_committee character What are the reasons behind your dissatisfaction with the water point committee?
committee_selection_process character How was the water point committee selected?
drinking_water_situation_change_3yrs character Is your drinking water situation better, the same, or worse than it was three years ago (2019)?
drinking_water_change_reason character What do you believe is the reason behind the changes in your drinking water situation?
clean_surroundings_water_source character Is the area surrounding the water source clean and protected from animal interference?
belief_water_pay character Do you believe you should pay for your water?
reason_not_pay_water character What are the reasons behind your belief that you should not pay for water?
reason_pay_water character What are the reasons behind your belief that you should pay for water?
invest_water_system integer Would you be willing to invest in an improved water supply system?
water_pay character Do you currently pay for the water you use?
frequency_water_pay character How often do you make payments for your water?
amount_water_pay integer What is the average amount you pay for water? (in magnitude)
awareness_safe_water_measures character Which safe drinking water measures are you aware of?
practiced_safe_water_measures character Which of these safe drinking water measures do you regularly practice?
water_treatment_timing character When do you typically treat drinking water in your household?
water_treatment_method character What methods do you use to treat water in your household?
reasons_not_treating_water character What are the reasons why you do not treat the drinking water?
water_container_transport character What type of container is typically used to transport water?
drinking_water_separate_container character Is the drinking water kept in a separate container?
drinking_water_container_above_floor character Is the drinking water container kept above floor level to prevent contamination?
narrow_opening_water_containers character Do the water containers used for collection and storage have narrow openings?
water_fetching_responsibility character Who is responsible for fetching water in your household?
diarrhea_prevention_methods character What methods do you know to prevent diarrhea?
latrine_access character Does your household have access to a latrine?
improved_latrine character Is the latrine improved?
latrine_type character What type of latrine is used in your household?
latrine_photos character Please take photos of both the inside and outside of the latrine.
shared_latrine character Do you share this latrine facility with other households?
households_shared_with integer How many households do you share the latrine with?
sanitation_change_3years character Has your sanitation situation changed in the past three years (since 2019)? If yes, in what way?
sanitation_change_reason character What do you think are the reasons behind the changes in your sanitation situation?
pit_as_fertile_basin character Are you aware that a full pit could be used as a fertile basin to plant fruit trees for healthy fruits or for selling?
willingness_invest_improved_latrine character Would you be willing to invest in an improved latrine?
amount_pay_new_latrine integer How much would you be willing to pay or invest in an improved latrine? (in magnitude)
invest_latrine_obstacles character What obstacles or challenges stop you from investing in improved latrines?
latrine_satisfaction_level character How satisfied are you with your current latrine?
reasons_satisfaction_latrine character What are the reasons behind your satisfaction with the latrine?
reasons_unsatisfied_latrine character What are the reasons behind your dissatisfaction with the latrine?
latrine_usage character Is the latrine regularly used?
sanitation_cleanliness character Is the sanitation facility regularly cleaned?
latrine_pit_cover character Is there a cover over the pit of the latrine?
latrine_lighting character Does the latrine have adequate lighting?
latrine_space character Is there sufficient space inside the latrine?
latrine_privacy character Does the latrine provide privacy?
latrine_roof_type character What type of roof does the latrine have?
latrine_accessibility character Is the latrine accessible and usable by people with disabilities and the elderly?
child_stool_disposal character How are the stools of young children disposed of when they don’t use the toilet facility?
hand_washing_effectiveness logical Washing hands with ash is considered the most effective way of killing germs? (True/False)
latrine_hand_washing_facility character Is there a functioning hand-washing facility at the latrine?
water_at_handwashing_available character Is there water available at the hand-washing facility when visited?
soap_at_handwashing_available character Is soap available at the hand-washing facility when visited?
type_soap character What type of soap is available at the hand-washing facility?
hand_washing_material character What is used for handwashing?
handwashing_facility_usage character Is the handwashing facility being used?
photo_handwashing_facility character Please take a photo of the handwashing facility.
handwashing_important character In your opinion, is handwashing important in your household?
why_handwashing_important character Why do you consider handwashing important?
household_fixed_handwashing_facility character Is there a fixed handwashing facility for general household use (excluding the one at the latrine)?
household_type_of_handwashing_facility character What kind of handwashing facility does the household have?
household_handwashing_agent_fixed_facility character Observe: handwashing agent at the fixed facility for general household use
handwashing_timing character When do you usually wash your hands?
handwashing_method character Please demonstrate how you wash your hands.
food_groups_known integer How many food groups are you aware of?
types_of_food_groups_known character Which food groups are you aware of?
importance_of_eating_from_6groups character Do you know the importance of eating food from all 6 food groups daily for staying healthy?
fats_and_oils logical Do fats and oils help maintain a healthy body weight? (True/False)
vegetable_energy logical Are vegetables a main source of energy for the body? (True/False)
meat_growth character Is meat considered good for the growth and maintenance of body tissues?
importance_of_balanced_diet character Why is having a balanced diet important?
invest_balanced_diet_willingness character Would you be willing to invest in having a balanced diet?
obstacles_investing_balanced_diet character What obstacles stop you from investing in a balanced diet?
food_from_grains character Did the household eat any foods from grains in the past 24 hours? (e.g., porridge, bread, rice)
white_roots_tubers_plantains character Did the household eat any white roots, tubers, or plantains in the past 24 hours? (e.g., white potatoes, cassava, white yams)
pulses_consumption character Did the household eat any pulses in the past 24 hours? (e.g., beans, peas, lentils)
nuts_seeds_consumption character Did the household eat any nuts and seeds in the past 24 hours? (e.g., peanut, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds)
milk_products_consumption character Did the household eat any milk and milk products in the past 24 hours? (e.g., milk, yogurt)
organ_meat_blood_consumption character Did the household eat any meat made from animal organs or blood in the past 24 hours? (e.g., kidney, heart)
other_meat_poultry_consumption character Did the household eat any other types of meat or poultry in the past 24 hours? (e.g., beef, pork, lamb, goat, rabbit, chicken, duck)
fish_seafood_consumption character Did the household eat any fish and seafood in the past 24 hours? (fresh or dried)
eggs_consumption character Did the household eat any eggs in the past 24 hours? (e.g., chicken eggs, duck eggs)
dark_green_leafy_vegetables character Did the household eat any dark green leafy vegetables in the past 24 hours? (e.g., lettuce, broccoli, spinach)
vitamin_a_rich_vegetables character Did the household eat any vegetables or roots that are rich in vitamin A in the past 24 hours? (e.g., pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, red pepper)
other_vegetables_consumption character Did the household eat any other vegetables in the past 24 hours? (e.g., corn, cucumbers, green pepper, green beans, mushrooms, tomato, onion, eggplant)
vitamin_a_rich_fruits character Did the household eat any vitamin A-rich fruits in the past 24 hours? (e.g., ripe mango, ripe papaya, peach)
other_fruits_consumption character Did the household eat any other fruits in the past 24 hours? (e.g., apples, avocados, bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, watermelon, pineapple)
oil_fats_for_cooking character Did the household use oil or fats for cooking in the past 24 hours? (e.g., butter, kukoma, kazinga, mulawe)
food_groups_incorporated_past24h character How many food groups did the household incorporate into their meals in the past 24 hours?
reasons_not_prepare_balanced_meal character Why did the household not manage to prepare a balanced meal?
household_vegetable_garden character Does the household have a vegetable garden?
vegetables_grown_in_garden character What vegetables are grown in the household’s garden?
kitchen_presence character Observation: Is there a kitchen at the household?
kitchen_hygiene character Observe: Kitchen hygiene
energy_saving_stove character Observe: Does the household have an energy-saving stove?
food_handling character Observe: Food handling (food that could be contaminated by flies)
pot_utensils_rack character Observe: Pot rack/plate & utensils rack
environmental_hygiene character Observe: Environmental hygiene
stagnant_water character Observe: Stagnant water around the homestead
rubbish_pit_presence character Observe: Presence of a rubbish pit
rubbish_pit_siting character Observe: Rubbish pit siting
litter_free_environment character Observe: Litter-free environment (including animal droppings)


Visualizing Vegetable Distribution in Malawi Gardens

This code snippet utilizes rAmCharts4 in R to visualize vegetable diversity in Malawian gardens. By displaying the distribution of crops grown, it highlights how Malawians can self-provide a diverse range of vegetables, crucial for a balanced diet.

#> Warning: Paket 'rAmCharts4' wurde unter R Version 4.3.2 erstellt

chckapmalawi$vegetables_grown_in_garden <- gsub("Other \\(please specify\\)", "Other", chckapmalawi$vegetables_grown_in_garden)

split_data <- chckapmalawi |> 
  separate_rows(vegetables_grown_in_garden, sep = ",\\s*") |> 
  mutate(vegetables_grown_in_garden = trimws(vegetables_grown_in_garden)) |> 
  filter(vegetables_grown_in_garden != "")  

vegetable_freq <- table(split_data$vegetables_grown_in_garden)
vegetable_freq_df <-
names(vegetable_freq_df) <- c("Vegetable", "Frequency")

vegetable_freq_df$Percentage <- vegetable_freq_df$Frequency / sum(vegetable_freq_df$Frequency) * 100

chart <- amPieChart(
  data = vegetable_freq_df,
  category = "Vegetable",
  value = "Frequency",
  depth = 30, 
  legend = FALSE, 
  chartTitle = "Vegetables Grown in Garden (Malawi)",
  animated = 1,
  theme = "spiritedaway"
Screenshot of an interactive pie chart with rAmCharts4

Screenshot of an interactive pie chart with rAmCharts4


Data are available as CC-BY.


To cite this package, please use:

#> Um Paket 'chckapmalawi' in Publikationen zu zitieren, nutzen Sie bitte:
#>   Skorik S, Schöbitz L, Sagawa R, Kumpukwe P, Chinangwa V, Banda B,
#>   Kananji R, Bwanyula F, Maliana G, Ngwira G (2023). "chckapmalawi:
#>   Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey about Community
#>   Health Centers (CHC) in Malawi."
#> Ein BibTeX-Eintrag für LaTeX-Benutzer ist
#>   @Misc{skorikschobitz,
#>     title = {chckapmalawi: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey about Community Health Centers (CHC) in Malawi},
#>     author = {Sophia Skorik and Lars Schöbitz and Rhodrick Sagawa and Paul Kumpukwe and Veronica Chinangwa and Baleke Banda and Rodney Kananji and Feston Bwanyula and Gloria Maliana and Given Ngwira},
#>     year = {2023},
#>     abstract = {This dataset captures insights from a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Survey conducted by BASEflow for Waste Advisers in Malawi, focusing on Community Health Centers (CHCs). It covers diverse aspects including household demographics, CHC membership, water sources, sanitation, nutrition knowledge, hygiene practices, and environmental conditions.},
#>     version = {},
#>   }