boreholefuncmwi: Analysis of boreholes' functionality in Northern Malawi
The data is obtained from a survey conducted in Wasambo in Karonga district (Northen Malawi). This data is about boreholes and handpumps that people mostly rely on for drinking water, secondary to wells and rivers. The data were collected in June 2013.
A tibble with 108 rows and 17 variables
- id
Identification number of the observation
- date
Date the survey was filled out
- role
Main role of the respondent. Options include 'Area Mechanic', 'Chief/Village Headman', 'Community member', 'Councilor', 'Head teacher/Teacher', 'HSA/Health officer', 'Hand pump borehole committee chair', 'Hand pump borehole committee member', 'Hand pump borehole owner', 'Water Seller', and 'Water User Association/Water Board member'
- committee_members
How many people are on the Hand pump borehole Committee as of 2023?
- last_meeting_participants
How many community members attended the last meeting? (Label 99 for unknown number of attendants)
- annual_budget
How much money in Malawi Kwacha do you need to manage this borehole without financial problems annually?
- village
Name of the village
- number_households
How many households use this hand pump borehole?
- tariff_costs_consider
What costs were considered when setting the tariff or user fee? Options including Maintenance costs, Operation costs - e.g. salary of the water seller, Total replacement cost for the system, Set by local government, and Bill payments.
- tariff_frequency
How often is the tariff/user fee collected? Including per month, per 2 months, per quarter, per year and when required for repairs.
- tariff_amount
How much is the tariff/user fee in Kwacha?
- total_money
How much money in Malawi Kwacha do you source to support operations and maintenance annually?
- tariff_hh_number
How many households in the community paid a water fee the last time it was collected?
- distance_materials
How far away are/were the materials you use for hand pump borehole repairs? Options include '>20km', '0-20km', 'within community', and 'don't know'.
- service_provider
Is there a service provider or someone responsible for operating and/or maintaining this hand pump borehole or water system? Yes for 1 and No for 0.
- preventive_maintenance
Do you conduct preventive maintenance? Yes for 1 and No for 0.
- functional_status
Functional status of the borehole. Functional for 1, Not functional for 0 (including 'Partially functional but in need of repair', 'Not functional')